Thursday, July 9, 2009

More new friends..

Gosh, mom and dad went away on vacation and I can't wait to tell them that we now have 30 friends on my new doggy blog! Wah-hoo! This is so exciting. A big shout out to all my new friends! :yip yap:

I just had my 7th birthday, and boy did I have a great time! As some of you may know, I'm staying with my Nana and Grandad while my mom and dad are away. And I had no idea, but my cousin Willow (she's 3) threw me a surprise birthday party! I had a great time playing ball with her and her brother Maxwell (he's 1-1/2). Nana had balloons and streamers and everything! It was a blast! Mom called right when everyone was singing happy birthday to me and that was great too. (wonder if she will bring me any presents back from her vacation?)

So it's great to be at Nana's house, but I'll be so glad when mom and dad get back! Mom told me she'd be back Saturday.

Hugs to all my blogger friends and I promise to tell mom to read up on all your blogs when she gets back!

xx Isabel


Ziggy Stardust said...

Happy Birthday!! It sounds like you had a great day and maybe when Mom and Dad come home you will get to celebrate with them. I am crossing my paws for you.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Sally said...

Happy Birthday! You are one lucky pup - hope you save some cake for your Mom and Dad

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Al said...

Yippee, yippee, yuppee, welcome back my friend and Happy sound very happy friend.
See ya!


Duke said...

That was so sweet that your nana had a birthday pawty for you, Isabel! Of course your mom and dad will bring home birthday pressies for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

ScrapsofMe said...

Ah....Nana's are the bestest! I hope you get lots of cuddles n snuggies when your folks get home. And treats. And pressies!

Bonnie's 'Mom'

Kelly said...

Isabel, I just KNEW your Nana would spoil you for your birthday! YAY!

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Happy Berfday Isabel! You and my mom are following each other, and while you were gone she decided to let ME have MY OWN BLOG!! Woohoo! Now I can follow you too. Hope you come visit me when your mom and dad get back.

PS. I bet they bring you back lots of presents! :-)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is furry khool woo had a surprise pawty!

I'm sure they will bring woo lots of pressies inkhluding THEMSELVES bakhk to woo!


Asta said...

Happy Biwfday Isabel!

You don't look a day ovew fouw..Youw pawty sounds faboolous, youw Nana's house is heavenly fwom youw discwiption. I'm suwe you pawents will bwing you something vewy specila fwom theiw vacation
smoochie kisses

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